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Art Tuesday #5: Megan P.

I love asking people to draw in my sketchbook. I ask my close friends, little kids, and occasionally people I've just barely met. Today, I'm going to share two drawings from someone in that last group.

This isn't her, FYI--just a random stranger she used as a subject...
My mom took her ASL class to the zoo, and I tagged along. That's where I met Megan.
I'll also mention here that she did both of these drawings on a train in about ten minutes. It was pretty impressive. =)

I didn't know  that I was her next victi--I mean subject until she was mostly done. Haha.
I loved the way her face lit up when I asked her to draw, and the way she went ahead and did two pages without me even asking. And of course I knew I was in for something good when she dug out some fancy pens from her bag to draw with. Megan is a pretty fantastic artist, and seeing her enthusiasm has been inspiring me to draw all day today. (I'll have to put those drawings up here next time...)

Go out and draw something! Happy Art Tuesday!



Art Tuesday #4: Thanksgiving, Clay Adams, and Memories

So, I have all kinds of things to share this week!

First of all, here's a little bit of what Carson and I did last week during Thanksgiving break:

Drawing Practice!

Carson has taken a wonderful interest in drawing lately, so we sat down for a couple of hours and practiced drawing this little mannequin. It was loads of fun, and it was great to see how much Carson improved in such a short time! I'm proud of him. =)

Second, here's a drawing by another artist: Clay Adams!

"Little Girl"
Clay is especially fond of drawing portraits, and in other works I've seen of his, he likes to draw his favorite musical artists. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of his artwork!

And finally, I have a little story to tell.
Once upon a time, I was eight years old, and my family went on our very first vacation. We spent two weeks in Florida, and it was one of the most wonderful times of my whole life. I still remember catching hermit crabs on the beach, listening to live music while we ate out by the shoreline, and the pirate ship cruise we took. It was wonderful, and I still remember a lot of it. One thing in particular that I remember vividly (that you might find to be a bit strange) was in the closet of our condo. Lauren and I discovered a picture. It was about 2' tall, and had some of the most intriguing and strange creatures on it I had ever seen. We sat in the floor of the closet and drew those strange creatures for hours... Which, in eight-year-old time, was probably twenty or thirty minutes. But it was long enough that, just last week, I suddenly caught a memory of those creatures, and told it to my mom. I must have really been engrossed back then, because she remembered them, too. The next day, my mom handed me a photo and said, "Hey, I found this, and thought you might want to see it."

This is a picture of the's like Inception...

I was ecstatic. Elated, even. And, with the power of the internet, I was able to find this:

This is the exact poster I saw when I was eight!

The name of the artist is Thomas E. Breitenbach, and here's the collection of his works where I found the Nu Creatures poster:
AND here's the book that he wrote about the creatures:

Happy Art Tuesday!



Art Tuesday #2: Satyrdolphins

So this week's post is short, but significant. I have combined my love of dolphins with my love of deer and goats:

Behold, the satyrdolphin!
This came about as a result of a painting that hangs in one of my classrooms at Criswell. For some reason, it always captures at least five minutes of my attention every time I have class in there.... I know nothing about it, except that my Roman World professor's name is signed at the bottom. So I should probably ask him about it...

I have no idea why I love staring at this thing.
So there you go. Please go draw a satyrdolphin, and make my day. =D

Happy Art Tuesday!



Art Tuesday #1


If you're not familiar with Art Tuesday, check out the About page on this blog. Right now. Do it!

This week, I'm going to share some more of my own drawings/doodles. I was getting kind of frustrating while trying to sketch a tree, so I went out and found another artist and followed along as well as I could. This was the result:

I got tired and didn't finish the leaves...
I got my help from another blog that I can't seem to find... OH, here it is: .
If you poke around, you can find her version of this tree, with all of the leaves and branches filled out.

This next one depicts some characters from Natsume's Book of Friends, a manga by Yuki Midorikawa, one of my favorite manga artists. =)

The creeper face and little stick man are courtesy of G, my cousin.
 I've always love Midorikawa's art style, especially her expressions. I'll have to keep working to make my characters express as much emotion as she is able to make hers do. =)

Next, I've included a drawing of a poppy that I did for my Mom's birthday card:

My Mom loves poppies!
I used another artist's work to help guide this one, as well; I pulled it from here, and if you look closely, you can see that the original was done in 1912. Yep, over a hundred years ago. It got me thinking about how little some things have changed in 100 years, like flowers, and artists' fascination with drawing them... And then I thought about how much things have changed, like how the woman who painted this flower originally never would have dreamed that I would be using it as guide, thanks to the internet... So yeah. That got deep quickly.

Here's some church notes from Sunday:

Note that Sunflower is sporting a beard.
A doodle mostly pertaining to video games:

And some goats. Don't ask me why, it doesn't matter.

I've wanted a goat since I was eleven. For real.
Now you can go watch goat remixes on YouTube. You're welcome.

Happy Art Tuesday!
